On retiring and returning to his roots in York, Dick Edmond, a Probus member in Stratford-upon-Avon, became the inspiration and guide for the formation of a Probus Club in this area.

In October 1995, Dick held a meeting at his house in Wheldrake with Cliff Burgess, Mike Moore, Bill Reader and Kay Thornton, when it was decided to try and form a Probus Club and to hold a second meeting in January 1996 at the Parsonage Hotel, Escrick, when the initial five would invite prospective members to attend.

At this meeting it was agreed that a Club should be formed with Dick Edmond as President/Secretary, and Bill Reader as Treasurer.  Norman Cox agreed to arrange the first trip to Wensleydale. The Annual Subscription was set at £10 with a charge per meeting of £3 to cover hire of room, refreshments and a bottle of wine for the Speaker. (Still the same in 2010).  The monthly meetings to be held at the Parsonage Hotel, Escrick starting at 10.30 a.m.  Membership limited to 45 due to size of room.

Audited accounts show that there were 24 members in 1996/7 and 34 in 1997/8.

Derrick Dunkley produced a Constitution for the Derwent Probus Club  which was approved  at the AGM on 31st March 1999.

The first trip abroad, to Paris, was arranged by Frank Veazey in  1999.

In November 1999 the Parsonage Hotel expanded their Conference Business and informed the Club that they would be unable to accommodate us in 2000.  It was agreed that we move to the Wenlock Arms, Wheldrake. 

The success of the Club saw numbers increase to the point they had to move to Swallow Hall Golf Club until 2020. The Club went into hibernation during the Covid pandemic and had to deal with several challenges including having to find another venue to meet. 

The Club reopened in September 2021in White Rose House, Wheldrake with subsequent meetings taking place on the last Wednesday of each month at 10:15.